We would like to draw your attention to the growing number of fraudulent e-mails sent by people either impersonating the Bouygues group or employees of the Bouygues group.
We have identified the following cases:
Malicious third parties are registering domain names containing the Bouygues name. These third parties then create an active sales site and/or a site that mimics the corporate identity and style guide of Bouygues or of its business segments (Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Immobilier, Bouygues Telecom, etc.). They can also create e-mail addresses based on these domain names.
The following domain names have not been registered by Bouygues and/or any of its subsidiaries:
- bouygues.group
- bouygues.in
- bouygues.pl
- bouygues.top
- bouygues.cf
- bouygues.store
- bouygue.store
- Bouyguegroupe.com
- Bouygues-development.com
- Bouygues.me
- Buygues.fr
- Bouygues-info.com
- Bouygues-groupes.fr
- Bouygues-sa.fr
- Bouygues-sav.com
- Bouyguesgroups.com
- Bouyguesgroupe-france.com
- Bouyguesenergiefrances.com
- Bouygues-groupe.store
- Bouygues.store
- Marybouygues.com
- Bouyguess.com
- Bouygues-france.com
- Infobouygues.com
- Bouyguesfrance.com
- boygues.fr
Fraudsters may send emails pretending to be from Bouygues to lure victims to a fraudulent site where they will be prompted enter personal and confidential information.
For example, the victim may receive an e-mail asking them to “update” or “confirm following a technical incident” their bank details.
The fraudulent site was created by the fraudsters to deceive people and gain their trust by mimicking the corporate identity and style guide of Bouygues and its subsidiaries. The fraudulent site generally copies the appearance of the spoofed site and often displays a URL that is almost identical apart from a few characters.
Fraudsters may send e-mails to suppliers posing as Bouygues and/or company employees in an attempt to obtain deliveries of goods. To do this, they use the names of real employees and managers, or made-up names and email addresses similar to those at Bouygues.
A. If you are contacted by Mr Bernard Allain, presenting himself as the Purchasing Director for Bouygues, this is an impersonation of one of our directors and we ask you therefore not to respond.
The fake Bernard Allain may contact you from the following e-mail addresses:
- loriane.blandin@ac-orleans-tours.fr
- frankkasongo404@gmail.com
- too.care10109@gmail.com
- infobouygues37@gmail.com
- nadia.Bruneau-Soler1@ac-orleans-tours.fr
- eloise.Fougeron@ac-orleans-tours.fr
- robert.g.law.chambers@gmail.com
- kabirutj2016@gmail.com
- karine.castillo@ac-orleans-tours.fr
- toocare01@gmail.com
- ga.mary@gmail.com
- felizitho@gmail.com
- 2carewill02@gmail.com
- kabirulsn@gmail.com
- bouyguesbernard369@gmail.com
- contact@bouygues-sa.fr
- jofavour0@gmail.com
- mamudamlabbo@gmail.com
- info@bouygues-sav.com
- info@bouygues-sa.com
- felix.homa@etud.u-picardie.fr
These addresses may appear as the following e-mail addresses:
- info@bouygues-sav.com
- achat@bouygues-groupe.store
- info@bouygues-groupe.store
B. If you are contacted by Mr Olivier ROUSSAT to purchase equipment, this is an impersonation of our CEO. Please do not respond.
The fake Olivier ROUSSAT can contact you from the following e-mail address:
- roussat@bouyguesgroups.com
- olivierroussat1@gmail.com
- roussat@bouyguesgroupe-france.com
- roussat@bouyguesenergiefrances.com
- bouyguesenergiesfrances@gmail.com
- roussat@bouyguesfrance.com
- roussatolivier524@gmail.com
C. If you are contacted by persons called Clément Martinie and/or Fabrice Patin who claim to work in the Bouygues SA purchasing department, please do not respond. These people do not work for the Bouygues group and are therefore not authorised to place orders.
The telephone number they use is 09 70 46 64 19.
Here are a few tips to help you spot attempted fraud:
- The sender’s email address may appear strange;
- The content of the email may seem unusual;
- You will be asked to either click on a link or open an attachment;
- Beware of emails with many spelling mistakes;
- Be wary of emails that may be urgent or announce a punishment or gain;
- Check the authenticity of links and do not click on them if in doubt.
If you receive such a message, do not reply. We recommend that you report this attempted fraud to the authorities on the dedicated platform of the French Ministry of the Interior: Internet-signalement.gouv.fr. These fraudulent e-mails can also be reported using the Signal Spam platform.
We are rolling measures to put a stop to this behaviour, which is detrimental to everyone, but your vigilance is essential.
If in doubt, please contact us at: presse@bouygues.com