Pascaline de Dreuzy holds an EMBA from HEC and a company director diploma from Sciences Po-IFA, and has completed the financial analysis, corporate valuation and investment decision modules of the Corporate Finance Certificate at ICCF-HEC. She has worked in many different spheres, each of which tackles core human issues. By transposing her experience between sectors, she has created synergies between apparently unconnected fields. She was the Chair and founder of P2D Technology, a company that combines human and digital in preventive medicine for certain illnesses and the remote monitoring of vulnerable patients. She has built bridges between industry and healthcare by identifying new technologies and promoting the use of artificial intelligence. She has provided support and has invested in innovative technology start-ups. From 2011 to 2013 she was a doctor-manager at strategy consulting firms (ANAP, Arthur Hunt). She was involved in the corporate world from an early age as a director of one of the family holding companies that controls the PSA group. She is extremely committed to corporate governance: at the end of her term of office on the Board of Institut Français des Administrateurs (French Institute of Directors) she joined the institute’s expert groups on ESG, Integrated Reporting,  Family Company Governance, the Role of Boards in Climate Issues and Corporate Social Responsibility; she also heads up one of the Institute’s training modules. She was awarded a diploma in Corporate Governance and Climate at Université Dauphine-PSL in June 2022.
A doctor at Hôpitaux de Paris from 1986 to 2011, Pascaline de Dreuzy oversaw innovative and pioneering cross-functional projects at the Necker-Enfants Malades hospital group. She has taken part in crisis management seminars with SAMU de Paris (first responders), PGHM de Chamonix (mountain rescue) and GIGN (the French police elite tactical unit). She is a Knight of the Légion d’Honneur.

  • First appointment to the Bouygues Board of Directors: 22 April 2021
  • Expiry of current term of office: 2024
  • Number of shares in the company (at 31/12/2023): 750
  • Principal position outside Bouygues SA

    • Company director.
  • Other positions and functions outside the Group

    • Director, member of the CSR Committee and of the Investments and Shareholding Committee of Peugeot Invest.
    • Member of the Expert Committee of the Innovation Investment Fund (life sciences, digital and ecotechnologies) at BPI France.
    • Director of the Fondation Hugot of the Collège de France and of Fondation Mallet and Atelier Simon Marq.
    • Member of Cercle Charles Gide – Protestants pour une économie responsable.