Everyone at Bouygues is committed to making life better for as many people as possible. Driven by strong values and an entrepreneurial mindset, we put our many talents to work for the good of our customers – and for the benefit of society as a whole. Bouygues therefore pays special attention to recognising and rewarding everyone’s contribution.
Offering equitable and dynamic remuneration
The Group applies a proactive remuneration policy that is designed to reward its employees for their team and individual performances alike. In addition to their salary, employees also receive a high-quality package of benefits that includes personal risk coverage, supplementary healthcare coverage and a retirement savings scheme .
Giving employees a stake in the Group’s growth and performance
The Bouygues group shares the value it creates with its employees, most of whom are in France, as a way to strengthen their sense of attachment. At end-2023, the Group counted 68,000 employee shareholders, making Bouygues the leading CAC 40 company in terms of employee share ownership.
The Group also operates a retirement savings plan in addition to its savings schemes. Bouygues is rolling out more employee share ownership schemes outside France through specific agreements.
Listening and talking
High-quality labour relations are a particular strong point within the Bouygues group, founded on a constructive approach in which trade unions and other employee representative bodies make an active contribution. In 2023, this policy was reflected in:
A high level of turnout of 75.3% in France in Bouygues’ workplace elections. In France, the Group has 386 Economic and Social Committees and 4,733 elected employee representatives for a total headcount of 92,109.
Strong grassroots employee representation. In Europe, the Group’s European Works Council now represents employees from 20 countries since Ireland joined.
Providing an inclusive working environment
The Bouygues group’s HR policy reflects its strong commitment to HR ethics. The Group endeavours to provide a working environment that embraces diversity in all its forms and is welcoming of people from all walks of life, regardless of age, sex, social origin or sexual orientation.
All Group employees should feel free to express themselves and enjoy the same career opportunities. For Bouygues, this open-minded attitude is a source of performance and creativity.
Gender balance
Ensuring that women and men are more evenly represented at every level – including in senior management bodies – is a top priority for Bouygues. By end-2025, the Group’s target is for women to occupy 21.5% of managerial positions and 30.5% of executive committee seats in its business segments.
The Group’s training programmes and other initiatives on this front are geared towards bringing more women into its workforce and supporting their careers. The variable remuneration of the Group’s Executive Officers and of business segment senior executives is partly based on gender balance criteria.
In signing the cross-company initiative #StOpE, Bouygues has pledged to combat everyday sexism in the workplace. The B.together network brings together seven of the Group’s mixed and female networks across 14 countries and raises awareness on diversity and inclusion issues.
The Bouygues group has a long-standing policy of actively hiring and promoting people with disabilities. This disability-friendly policy, which is backed by tangible initiatives, aims to ensure that people with disabilities can access the full range of career opportunities on offer within the Group, and that they are included in all of the company’s business activities. The policy also covers the accessibility of all applications and information systems used within the Group. Providing a welcoming and supportive environment over the long term for people with disabilities is among our top priorities.
In 2019, Martin Bouygues signed the Manifesto for the occupational integration of people with disabilities, which includes ten pledges.
Diverse social and cultural backgrounds
We believe that everyone, in France and worldwide, should have the same opportunities regardless of their age, educational attainment, and social and cultural background.
With more than 50% of our employees outside France, the Bouygues group attaches increasing importance to internal job mobility between countries and business segments.
Generational diversity
The Group views generational diversity as essential to effective collaboration and the imparting of expertise within our workforce.
For this reason, we make maintaining and developing our employees’ skills a key focus of our onboarding and loyalty-building processes.